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The most important Arabian Travel Market yet?

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Why hoteliers and travel providers must think beyond Expo 2020

We’re now less than three months away from Arabian Travel Market 2020 and the show couldn’t come at a better time for the Middle Eastern tourism industry.

The reason is Expo 2020. Most hoteliers and travel providers in the region are gearing up for this major global event and preparing to host the 20 million+ travellers who are expected to visit Dubai between October and April.

But it’s vital these travel providers take a longer-term view. As we know, the Middle East is driving the world’s fastest growth in hotel accommodation and, while this is perfect for Expo 2020 visitors, there is a growing risk that supply will outstrip demand once the exhibition is over.

In the world post-Expo 2020 there’ll be clear winners and losers. The winners will be hoteliers and travel businesses that have built strong global partnerships with potential customers. These mutually profitable relationships will deliver high occupancy levels and a clear, sustainable future strategy.

This is where Arabian Travel Market 2020 comes in. Almost 40,000 travel industry professionals will come together at the event to build new relationships and discover what the future holds.

The overall theme of the show is tourism growth, and in the Middle East there are both huge opportunities for growth – and a number of threats.

The shift in global economic power from the west towards the east positions the Middle East perfectly as a gateway between the two. And the increasing demand for ‘urban tourism,’ where retail, leisure and wellness are as important as sun and relaxation, also gives the region tangible advantages. Meanwhile, key challenges include climate change and water scarcity, plus the relentless pace of technological change.

The hotels and resorts that enjoy the greatest success in the coming decade will be those that position themselves to take advantage of these trends and mitigate the challenges. Finding the right partners is essential to this journey.

Now is the time to build the relationships that will take you forward on a sustainable path. Good tour operators and travel agents will match the right customers to your offering, and guide your ongoing development in the right direction for ongoing success.

Those contacts will be at ATM this April. Don’t miss the chance to be one of your region’s success stories.

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