WTM Global Hub

Arabic Travellers Insight. Understanding how to connect with the Arabic Travel Audience

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Arabic travellers are a powerful consumer segment and while outbound tourism from the GCC means tens of billions spent in the destination countries, it also presents an opportunity for entities with the originating country.

As we enter a post-pandemic era, travel is at the top of GCC consumer’s ‘to-do’ list.
D/A’s insight session will look into the current and emerging trends in Arabic traveller behaviour and planning. We will uncover who is the Arabic traveller we will be talking to, where are they looking to go in the world and why, and how can we connect with them and bring them into our worlds.
We will also discuss the travel industry ‘state of play’ in the GCC to understand how brands can develop strategies to own the relationship with Arabic travellers?

The 45 min session will be based on a recent travel study conducted by analysing over 1.3Million travel conversations ambiently in Arabic. D/A’s analytics and science teams have drawn the most impactful and actionable insights from natural conversations to deliver a true picture of Arabic traveller intent and barriers that travel brands can address.

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