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5 minutes with Ben Stuart, University of St. Andrews

Ben Stuart, Director, University of St. Andrews tells us more about the University of St. Andrews, what he sees as the biggest challenge facing the golf travel industry at the moment and his favourite holiday destination.

Tell us what you/your company does in 20 words or fewer? Provides 4000 bedrooms in the home of golf

Tell us the 1 thing about your company/business that we need to know. 1st University in Scotland 3rd in the English speaking world.

What do you like about your job? Range of projects and services we provide

What do you think is the single biggest challenge facing the golf travel industry right now? Decline in people playing golf

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting out in the golf travel industry today? Find a niche

Which travel company do you most admire – and why? Jet2 – great deals and destinations

Where was your last holiday? Hong Kong/China

How did you buy it? (online, travel agent, phone) Online

Why did you choose that destination? Visiting friends, nice place to visit and first time to China

Where’s next on your list of places to visit? New Zealand

Which place is your favourite place to be in the world? Thailand

You’re stranded on a desert island – what 3 items would you want with you? Music, food, fire

How does social media aid the travel industry? Provides a platform for promotion, awareness and deals

Name your favourite app and why. tracks and rewards healthy activity including golf

What was your first job in the travel industry? Ski instructor

What is the silliest thing you have on your desk? Bottle of Veuve

Tell us about a passionate interest you have outside the business. Rugby, fitness and having fun

Who has been your greatest inspiration, and why? Family – growing up, no matter what was thrown at them, they shrug their shoulders and get on with it

What is your prediction for the year ahead in the golf travel industry? Growth of lower cost packages and accommodation

What is the one essential item you take with you when travelling? Music

Ben Stuart will be joining 1300+ golf travel professionals at the 20th edition of IGTM in Cannes on 11-14 December. Find out more – 

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