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5 Minutes with Hany Khanagry, My Way Tourism LLC.

In preparation for WTM Connect Asia the team spent 5 minutes getting to know Hany Khanagry from My Way Tourism LLC. Read on to find out his favourite travel destinations, predictions for the industry in 2017 and his surprising good luck omen.

Where was your last holiday? Within the region of UAE

How did you buy it? (Online, travel agent, phone) Through my contacts with hotel friends

Why did you choose that destination? The weather is perfect and prices are really good value for money

Where’s next on your list of places to visit? Maybe Greece & Egypt

Which place is your favourite place to be in the world? Any country with good weather and nice beaches, like UAE, Oman, Egypt, Greece

You’re stranded on a desert island – what 3 items would you want with you? My wife, drinks and sunblock

Tell us what you/your company does in 20 words or fewer? Full incoming services for any kind of visitor to the UAE from arrival at the airport until they leave the country

Tell us the 1 thing about your company/business that we need to know. We are quality oriented and do not work in mass budget, low quality services

What do you like about your job? Serving people and helping them enjoy their precious vacation time

Hany Khanagry, My Way LLC
Hany Khanagry, My Way Tourism LLC.

What do you think is the single biggest challenge facing the travel industry right now? Online hotel booking entities, which are not quality service oriented and do not have a personal attachment to the client

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to someone starting out in the travel industry today? To be honest with partners and serve clients only to satisfy them, not to target just money or profit

Which travel company do you most admire – and why? My Company, as I know very well that we are honest, favour our end user and value the partnership with our clients

How does social media aid the travel industry? A marketing tool for destinations, more than anything else.

What was your first job? A hotel receptionist ….. 30 years ago and it was the most enjoyable job I had in my life, since I felt guest’s satisfaction and disappointments on the spot every day

What is the silliest thing you have on your desk? A broken paper tray … which I believe is a good luck omen

Tell us about a passionate interest you have outside the business. Fishing and being anywhere in the world with family and friends.

Who has been your greatest inspiration, and why? My Wife for sure 100000 % . She is the only one in the world who understand exactly what I would like to do or initiate and she is the highest fan of mine in business and on the personal level

What is your prediction for the year ahead in the travel industry? Lots of changes … for the better hopefully

What is the one essential item you take with you when travelling? My favourite cigarettes and credit cards

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