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Chile eyes up the Brazilian market

We’re already well into 2019 and with figures from the Subdepartment of Tourism to hand, Chile is already assessing where to focus its eyes and efforts for improving the growth its national tourist industry has enjoyed. Brazilian travellers are currently second in the ranking of those visiting Chile, after Argentina, a country that is currently experiencing domestic economic difficulties, which is why Brazil is increasingly gaining space in Chilean in-bound tourism.

Despite being way behind in the number of arriving tourists (2,422,235 Argentina – 589,172 Brazil 2018), since 2014 the number of Brazilians who have chosen Chile as their favourite destination for visiting has been increasing and the tendency is that it will carry on like this.

There’s something that sets visitors from Brazil apart from their peers from other Latin American countries and that’s the amount they spend on a daily basis (US$ 99.7), followed by Mexicans who spend US$ 85.8 and Argentinians with US$ 55.2. This makes Brazilian tourists a very attractive focal point for the Chilean market.

Understanding the behaviour of tourists, especially when it comes to strategic markets, is key to being able to develop advertising campaigns that are correctly focused, and also being able to diversify supply, but having a clear idea of what travellers are looking for.

So what delights does Chile have for Brazilians? To begin with, we have to talk about Santiago, a city that has positioned itself as one of the most cosmopolitan capitals in the southern cone, and even the continent. With first-class ski resorts less than two hours away and world-renowned vineyards that are almost as close, Santiago has a wide variety of activities to offer without having to travel very far.

But Santiago is not all that tourists to this tropical country come to see (although it came first in a survey of “destinations that motivated you to go on holiday”). Valparaiso is another destination on travellers’ wish lists, which occupies the same position (3rd) in both summer and winter, beaten in the summer by the Chilean Patagonia region and in winter by Viña del Mar.

What’s clear is that Brazilians visit Chile looking to experience snow. The figures prove that the most popular months are usually between June and September, with a considerable increase in popularity in July and August, with around 80,000 visitors compared with the lowest month, which is historically February, with just over 30,000 visitors. But whether in the winter or during the summer, what most motivates people to visit our country is “its diverse scenery”.

The main challenge for Chile is not only to increase the number of tourists from Brazil, but to capture their hearts and minds so they become sufficiently enthusiastic to visit the country in seasons that are different from the customary ones, and to invite them to visit new places that aren’t generally on their radar. On this topic, we endorse the words of our Executive Vice President, Helen Kouyoumdjian: “Special emphasis going to be placed this year on the Brazilian market, which we, here at Fedetur, have also been looking at optimistically and with high expectations of growth in 2019. That’s why we’re going to be carrying out actions that are relevant to this market in an alliance that exists between the public and private sectors; together we’re going to be pointing out how diverse Chile is and how enjoyable to visit out of season. Those who have a lot to gain are the tourists, who’ll get to know new regions at lower cost and avoid the mass of travellers.”

Source of the numbers: Subdepartment of Tourism of Chile


FEDETUR IS THE Federation of Tourism Companies of Chile, which was set up in 2009, and is celebrating a decade in action this year. Its main purpose is to boost the industry’s excellence, sustainability and diversification. Over time it has become the key-player for guiding and prioritizing decisions about developing tourism in Chile, which it does by promoting close collaboration between the public and private sectors.

*The opinions expressed in this text are the author’s opinion and do not necessarily reflect the position of WTM Latin America.
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