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2018 Finalists in the World Responsible Tourism Awards

The judges have deliberated long and hard after reviewing all the applications, longlisting and then shortlisting, the finalists for this year’s World Responsible Tourism Awards have finally been decided. There were long debates amongst the judges on judging day about the merits of each application

Reflecting now on the debates around the table amongst the judges it is clear that expectations are rising. The judges look for businesses and organisations which can clearly state their priorities, can say what they are taking responsibility for and why. And which can evidence the outcomes and impacts of their actions in taking responsibility.

To become a Finalist in the World Responsible Tourism Awards is a significant achievement, it marks you out as a leader in Responsible Tourism; it carries a responsibility to exercise leadership. The purpose of the WRTA is to inspire, educate and challenge. Our purpose in organising the Awards has not changed since they were launched back in 2004 – we want to encourage change in the industry, to single out for recognition those who are taking responsibility and can evidence that they are having a positive impact, that they are making tourism better.

Leaders stand out from the crowd. When the Awards are presented at World Travel Market in London on World Responsible Tourism Day, Wednesday 7th November, at noon, Tanya Beckett will interview the Gold winners about what they have done, why and what they have achieved. We’ll be asking about why it makes business sense to take responsibility.

As Chair of the Judges I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the Finalists and to thank the judges and the organisers for their efforts. You will be able to see the results and talk with the winners at WTM in November, and to celebrate their success. It really is an achievement to be a finalist in these prestigious awards.

The 2018 World Responsible Tourism Awards Finalists are

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