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Brazilian tourism gains with an income tax rate of 6%

by Magda Nassar, Braztoa’s President

On July 21, 2016 Brazilian tourism entities celebrated the fact that the rate of 6% for income tax deducted at source (IRRF) on remittances abroad relating to spending on tourism, which had been finally sanctioned by the President, became official. The law, which is valid until December 31, 2019, substitutes the previous Law 12,249/2010 (Article 60). 

Negotiations lasted almost two years during which time the presidents of ABAV Nacional, Edmar Bull, and CLIA Abremar Brasil, Marco Ferraz, were by my side. For the time being the new legislation meets the desires of the sector as it searches for balanced market conditions. 

The joint work fully satisfied one stage in the process. Today the reduction in tax is a reality thanks to the serious and committed work our entities have done. This step will be followed by others: exemption, double taxation and regulations, in short an infinite number of sector demands that are just as important as this one. We continue with our struggle for the sector to be preserved and recognised as being a major generator of business. 

The decree by interim president, Michel Temer, is of utmost importance, since the reduction in tax means that the market once again becomes competitive and provides advantages that no other channel offers.  

Finally, I highlight some other important information on the topic:

About Magda Nassar: As the first woman to preside Braztoa since its foundation in 1989, she became Chair of the Board in May 2015, from which position she has headed up relevant institutional and commercial projects for Brazilian tourism. She is also currently the Marketing VP for Agaxtur.

The opinions expressed in this text are the author’s opinion and do not necessarily reflect the position of WTM Latin América.

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