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Popular metrics to increase sales in the travel industry

Day by day the travel industry is improving and people are learning about more features and innovations that they didn’t know before. Technology makes the daily technical processes easier, but in fact, it’s making the industry even harder and more challenging.

Sales volume is a basic indicator of your success in the industry, but still it’s not the whole story.

To grow faster and more efficiently in the travel industry, there are many different paths you can follow. But only a few of them can make an impact on increasing your sales volume.

Here are a few effective tips that will guarantee more satisfied customers and increased sales volume over a short period of time.

  1. Understand your audience: Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Understand their interests, needs, and desires. See how your travel agency can fulfil them. Attract your customers with the services and products they want and engage them with your company offers. Your audience is the most important factor that will affect your sales whether that be positively or negatively. So, make sure you offer the right service to the right audience.
  2. Be social: Engage more people as your potential leads/customers with your social media channels. These are effective and strong tools that you can use to reach your target audience. Nowadays, travelers of all ages use social media. Post promotions, offers, education of your services/products, and travel experiences your customers share with you. Doing so will make your audience be more engaged with your social content, more familiar with your travel agency name and services.
  3. Follow your market trends: Offer higher quality services and think out of the box. Limit traditional ways and always be innovative, creative and trendy. Generate new ideas that your customers will love. See what your competitors do and how you can make better offers and marketing for your company and its services.
  4. Upselling products: Upselling and cross-selling will highly assist your travel agency to have more and better sales. Always try to find alternatives for your customers, offer more options and services they can leverage, and make sure you upsell what your customers really want to have.
  5. Use online portals to improve your services: Continuously search for better flight and hotel prices than the ones you currently have. Find suppliers that can offer you better and special discounts. Price is an important factor to consider with your clients as they will often search for an agency that can offer the highest discounts.
  6. Build a partnership and strong B2B relationship: You never know who the right person is to have a partnership with until you have a detailed discussion with them. Partnerships can go in different directions, either you have a B2B partnership with new suppliers to provide your travel agency with better discounts than your existing ones or you can be a supplier for other travel agents who have fewer discounts than you do.
    So, in all cases the door is open. The right B2B partnership and cooperation will always add larger sales and profits to your travel agency business and add extra value to your customers. Not only because of better discounts that a party can have, but also it will build a strong social structure for both parties and might lead them to further expansion of their businesses.
  7. Feedback and social listening: Receiving feedback from your customers is essential in improving your company’s sustainability and future successes. Feedback will help your travel agency maximize its potential in different stages and identify actions you should take in the future to fill the gaps in your travel agency’s services or products.
  8. Events are an effective way to better understand the industry: Make sure you attend useful events for your travel agency. Events will keep you up-to-date and more aware of industry development and trends, what your competitors are doing and gives you inspiration for how to develop your business in the future.
  9. Be more transparent, and gain trust: Always give true facts about your products/services including their pros and cons. If you cannot deliver, then don’t set high expectations for your customers and make them disappointed, as this can result in the decrease of both interest and the trust they have in your company and products.

Each industry has different metrics and parameters of success, and you cannot develop your business without considering many factors that will positively or negatively affect it.

Think efficiently, and never be restricted to only one of the above-mentioned points.
More factor considerations = more professional business.
More professional business = more satisfied customers.
More satisfied customers = higher sales volume.

Babylon Booking is a global flight booking portal dedicated to providing quality services to its partners/clients, giving access to ticketing with more than 550 Legacy airlines and more than 150 low cost carriers, around the world which gives its clients competitive rates for SOTO and SITI fares via multi GDS and 3rd parties contents.

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