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Johannesburg, Tuesday, 17 March, 2020 – Over the past fews years, Africa Tourism Leadership Forum has become one of the continent’s leading main driver behind the call-to-action for increase on intra-Africa travel, modernising visa policies, and improved air access for the greater benefit of ‘Destination Africa’. Building on this success, about 500 industry leaders will convene in Kigali in a bid to transform intra-Africa travel. The Forum is also now the leading platform for Africa’s youth venturing into tourism and are looking to unleash their full potential. Other significant streams of the Forum that can also not be missed are Africa Travel and Tourism CEOs/Executives Dialogue, MICE Masterclass, and the Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Summit and Competition. This year’s Forum will further cater for tailored mini-exhibition for sponsors, and partners/ as well as speed marketing sessions for suppliers and buyers.

Reflecting on 2018 and 2019 editions, Christelle Grohmann, director at BDO South Africa, says: “The Forum is very focused, action-oriented and distinctive. It directly amplifies the voices of captains of industry, professionals, policy-makers and the youth for shared-values and vision.” “It has become a blueprint for actionable collaboration among the African tourism stakeholders over the last few years.” She adds. The Africa Tourism Leadership Awards is a tourism Thought Leadership, multi-stakeholder, multidisciplinary, and collaborative platform. It measures realistic sustainable game changing attainable and actionable initiatives for Africa’s tourism growth and development. Elcia Grandcourt, UNWTO Director for Africa, says: “Since the inception ATLF and Awards have been actively supporting tourism development, especially in the areas such as marketing, capacity building in Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions/Events (MICE) as well as Destination Africa’s brand management.” Grand court adds: “Furthermore Africa Tourism Partners (ATP) convener of the Forum has shown dedication to engage both
public and private sector to discuss and position Tourism as key driver for development in Africa at national and internacional level. We wish therefore to urge all industry stakeholders across the continent to make time to join the Kigali Forum, and also submit their entries for the 2020 Africa Tourism Leadership Awards accordingly.”

Affording attendees the opportunity to exploit new benefits, thematic areas for the 2020 Rwanda Forum include, among others: Thought Leadership; Travel Technology and Innovation; Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AFCTA) versus intra-Africa travel; Youth and Women Entrepreneurship and start-ups, the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions/Events (MICE) strategies; African Aviation Routes Development and Airlift; Rural Development and Tourism; Tourism Investment Funding and Destination Africa Showcase. Rwanda will host the 2020 Africa Tourism Leadership Forum (ATLF) and Awards. This is set to take place at the Kigali Convention Centre from 13 to 15 July, 2020 under the theme ‘Shaping a better future for intra-Africa travel together’.

Visit: to register, enter Africa Tourism Leaders awards and the Youth Innovators now. Registration and entries are open.

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