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Dive into the ‘Blue Ocean’ with WTM Global Hub

Webinar will reveal proven strategies to create new travel opportunities

Three experts, who have used ‘blue ocean’ strategy to create innovative offerings for the travel and tourism industry, will be sharing their secrets at WTM Global Hub’s next industry webinar taking place on Tuesday, June 16 at 2pm (BST). Two of them work for Blue Ocean Global Network.

Called Flipping the Narrative: Composing Tomorrow’s Destination Strategy, the panel discussion promises to be a must-attend virtual event for anyone looking for ideas and inspiration on how to stand out in the crowded travel and tourism market.

Delegates will hear how to apply the proven and practical frameworks and methodologies of blue ocean strategy to create outstanding offerings for the next generation of travel, post-COVID-19.

The webinar will show how tourism can move from being placed in a corner by the global lockdown to turning a new corner in strategic insight.

Blue Ocean Strategy is a marketing theory and title of a 2004 book by professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, professors of strategy at INSEAD, one of the world’s top business schools.

Blue oceans denote all the unexplored market spaces, untainted by competition, where demand is created rather than fought over and where there is ample opportunity for growth that is both profitable and rapid. People and companies following the blue ocean strategy are able to spot and seize new growth opportunities.

By comparison, ‘red oceans’ are existing, known market spaces, where companies compete for a greater share of shrinking demand and where competition is becoming fiercer.

Speaking at the webinar will be Jason Hunter, senior global practitioner at Blue Ocean Global Network, the worldwide organisation set up by professors Kim and Mauborgne.

Hunter has led successful strategy and innovation initiatives to some of the world’s most recognisable organisations including Volvo Group, L’Oreal, the World Bank and – in the travel industry – Starwood Hotels. Since 2001, he’s worked closely with Kim and Mauborgne on executing blue ocean strategy and value innovation.

He’ll be joined by Alban Eral, who has deployed blue ocean strategy for several leading organisations and who, in 2014, co-founded of the Blue Ocean Awards. In 2018, he created the BlueCity programme for new public services to build the City of Tomorrow, mixing blue ocean strategy for national development and open innovation between public and private organisations.

Also taking part will be Ian Rolle, president of the Grand Bahama Port Authority Group of Companies, which constantly encourages stakeholders to use innovation as a true differentiating factor in their business and which seeks to promote self-help tools and other initiatives to develop human capital. Rolle considers himself an entrepreneur at heart, with a passion for the sustained economic advancement of Freeport.

Claude Blanc, World Travel Market Portfolio Director, says:

“We’re thrilled to be able to bring the concept of ‘blue ocean’ to our next WTM Global Hub webinar, with a panel of experts who can give real examples of how companies, large and small, have adapted to grow new markets.

“In the current climate, everybody is looking for new ways to do things to grab a bigger slice of the tourism market, once global travel opens up again. Everyone involved in the industry – whatever the sector – will want to sign up for this webinar, which has been designed to offer valuable insight into how blue ocean marketing can create and capture new demand, widen potential and open up vast, undiscovered possibilities. The world is your oyster!

“If you already have plans for Tuesday, June 16, at 2pm, then change them and schedule in the next WTM Global Hub webinar instead – as we can assure you your competitors will have already signed up!”

Flipping the Narrative: Composing Tomorrow’s Destination Strategy takes place on Tuesday, June 16 at 14:00hrs.

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