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Pure! Travel Group expands business to Chile

This year, WTM London participants will again witness an important announcement from Pure! Travel Group – the leading boutique tour operator for Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia – as the company is expanding into the fastest growing tourism destination in South America, Chile. Additionally, Pure! Travel Group will also be promoting three exciting new products during WTM.

Diego Andrade, Marketing Manager at Pure! Travel Group said:  “Our success in Bolivia and Colombia exceeded our expectations, and having all the skills, knowledge, and passion for a new destination we decided to extend our operations to the trendiest destination of South America: Chile. We appreciate our partners´ support and dedicate this new destination to all of them.”

Around 80,000 British nationals visit Chile each year. With its rapidly growing tourism and wonderful combination of history, culture, and nature, Chile is the perfect choice for travelers. In this gorgeous country, tourists can make all their dreams come true.

For Pure! Travel Group, WTM has always been a significant event. At the WTM 2012, the company was the pioneer in announcing its expansion to Bolivia and Colombia, strategy that other destination management companies in the region are trying to follow.

“We are really happy to bring this new expansion and to get everything ready to offer to all WTM visitors. This WTM is the perfect opportunity to start or increase your partnership with the leading boutique tour operator for Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile” says Andrade.

Curious about what Chile has to offer and what Pure! has to offer in Chile?

Make an appointment with Pure! Travel Group at  WTM.

Stand LA 204

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