WTM Global Hub

New York City Has Pride In Its History

NYC & Company, the tourism organisation for New York City, is preparing for 2019 with plans to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

The demonstrations by members of the LGBT community, which took place at the end of June 1969 following a police raid on the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, are seen as a pivotal moment in the development of LGBT rights in the US and beyond.

The city is hosting the first ever World Pride event in 2019. Celebrations will take place throughout June.

Visitors to the NYC & Company stand at WTM London 2018 can also find out about developments at two of the cities main attractions. The Museum of Modern Art is expanding, adding 30% more gallery space across three floors allowing for more of its collection to be displayed. It will open in 2019.

Elsewhere, a brand new Statue of Liberty Museum is also due to open next year.


Stand: NA300

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