WTM Global Hub


Useful Tips & Information for a successful presence in one of the most popular fairs in the tourism industry, WTM London!

World Travel Market (WTM) London is one of the world’s most important exhibitions in the tourism industry. During the fair, visitors and exhibitors are presented with great opportunities for networking that can lead to a fruitful collaboration development. In this article, we will provide our Success Tips for Hoteliers, for ensuring a successful WTM 2018!

What makes World Travel Market (WTM) so special?

But what do you need to do in order to stand out during WTM and achieve the best possible results?


SMART TIP: Develop your company’s content using keywords that your possible clients would most likely use during their search.

SMART TIP: The WTM System will display your uploaded personal contacts in a list, informing you if they have already registered in the fair (and therefore, they will visit WTM), allowing you to do a better follow up.

SMART TIP: Be careful when using the automated text editor, since it adds a standard text at the begging and end of your message. Make sure to preview your message before sending it, to ensure its right appearance and content.

SMART TIP: Connect with your new leads through other channels, such as LinkedIn, in order to develop an even more personal communication before the fair.

Case Study Sponsored: See how the tourism strategy company Destsetters, has achieved to schedule more than 200 meetings for each one of its projects during WTM London, and develop its International collaborations.

Destsetters is one of the fastest growing Tourism Strategy Companies in the hospitality industry, having created some of the most innovative tourism brands, like Travel by Interest and Hotelier Academy, as well as Premium services for Hoteliers, such as Hotel Concept Development and Upselling Reports.

Using all the above-described methods, Destsetters managed to arrange more than 200 meetings for each one of its projects, ensuring a successful participation at the fair. Moreover, the dynamic communication with fair visitors has produced a number of important new leads for each project, generating new sales even before the fair.

The 3 steps of success:

  1. The wise use of all WTM tools, targeting only the related companies to each brand, without sending unnecessary or spam messages.
  2. Sending targeted messages with clear meeting objectives with each project, that provided interesting reasons to meet.
  3. The promotion of each project’s participation in WTM to its own database, via personalized meeting requests to the client categories of highest interest.


  1. Interact with as many exhibitor profiles as possible 
    The Visitors’ option for sending meeting requests to the exhibitors has been removed from the WTM System. Moreover, the Visitors are no longer able to find the people working at the exhibiting companies, something that, according to WTM, protects the exhibitors from spamming. On the other hand, WTM has created some new ways of connection: If a visitor saves or ‘favourites’ an exhibitor, the exhibitor will be informed about this new lead and receive the visitor’s contact details within a special area in the exhibitor’s profile. Even though this is a more complicated procedure for the visitors, it is actually not that bad: With a proper research and better understanding of the targeted companies, the visitors will be able to arrange higher quality meetings, since the exhibitors are now protected from spam and will not receive a huge number of emails and requests that would most probably ignore.
  2. Send a WTM Meeting Request to your personal database 
    There is not a better way to organize your visit, than contacting your personal contacts first. Each company has its own list of possible clients, and (especially when talking about tourism), these contacts are highly possible to visit such important travel exhibitions. It is highly recommended to send a direct e-mail to your personal contacts, informing them about your visit to World Travel Market London. This will lead to new meeting requests, and, additionally, will enhance your business profile, since a participation in international travel exhibitions indicates high-quality and professionalism.


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