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Caribbean islands focus on eco-tourism

WTM London visitors with an interest in eco-tourism can find out about a new venture on Trinidad and Tobago.

The islands’ Ministry of Tourism, in collaboration with the Trinidad and Tobago Incoming Tour Operators Association, has launched a sustainable eco- tourism trail project that will enable residents, visitors and nature enthusiasts to enjoy and experience more of the dual island’s fascinating and natural beauty.

Over the next five years, the Ministry will work with local residents and communities to resuscitate and restore around 1,000 kilometres of untouched landscape, starting in the lush and mountainous regions of Blanchisseuse and Chaguaramas on the north coast of Trinidad.
The aim is to open up a number of hiking and biking trails showcasing the islands’ unspoilt natural beauty and fascinating bio diversity.
Walkers and biking enthusiasts will be able to experience new and exciting trails through the rainforest and along the stunning coastline with lunch stops at different communities along the way.

Stand Number: CA240

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