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Julian Alps Association set to announce NEW 52km Juliana SkiTour, launching in time for the 2021/22 ski season

Following on from the success of the Juliana hiking and Juliana Bike trails, the Julian Alps Association are set to unveil the NEW four-day Juliana SkiTour, a 52km expedition which will showcase the stunning sights of the Julian Alps. 


This year the Julian Alps Association is set to unveil a four-day ski touring expedition across the Julian Alps, launching in time for the 2021/22 ski season. The total length of the expedition is 52km, with an average stage length of 13km. Each stage should take roughly 5-6 hours to complete. For those that manage to complete the entire trail, they will have climbed 4367m and skied down 4891m, more than the height of Mont Blanc!

Four ski tours connected for the first time 
Rather than being one long connected tour, it is actually four separate ski tours which can be combined to showcase the amazing landscapes of the Julian Alps. When connected, the trails stretch all the way from Kranska Gora in the north to Tolmin on the south side. 


The Juliana SkiTour aims to make ski touring more accessible to a wider range of mountain visitors. Each stage has the option of an easier route or a more ambitious trail so skiers can adapt depending on the conditions of the mountain. Rather than staying in mountain huts, skiers will return to the valley after each day, which will give them the opportunity to relax in comfortable local accommodation and refuel with delicious local Slovenian cuisine.  


A responsible tourism product  

As with the existing Juliana and Juliana Bike trails, the new Juliana SkiTour has been designed with responsible tourism in mind. When they’re not enjoying the snow, skiers will have the opportunity to enjoy authentic Slovenian accommodation and gastronomy. 


Skiing from a pristine winter peak offers a much more powerful experience than skiing alongside ski lifts. Snow-capped mountains can be reached on skis without the need for ski lifts or artificial snow, both of which can interfere negatively with the environment. Ski touring offers the opportunity to explore places that would otherwise be largely inaccessible while having a minimal impact on local communities and landscapes.  


For more information visit www.julian-alps.com/en/p/juliana-skitour/62466923/ 

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