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Pilot and astronaut star in Brand USA giant-screen film

Brand USA aims to inspire visitors to visit the US in 2020 with the release of ‘Into America’s Wild’.

It is the tourist board’s third film in collaboration with MacGillivray Freeman Films, and will premiere in Washington DC in February 2020, ahead of its worldwide IMAX® and giant-screen theatre release.

The film features John Herrington, the first Native American astronaut, and Alaskan pilot Ariel Tweto, as they explore the USA’s scenic routes, ancient homelands, little-known trails, and hidden gems.

They will also showcase activities such as kayaking along Oregon’s coastline, exploring the ancient canyons of the Southwest, experiencing the wilds of Alaska and walking the Appalachian Trail.

In line with the film’s themes, Brand USA’s global marketing campaigns will encourage travellers to experience the country’s outdoor adventures, attractions and scenery.

Stand: NA370

PR Contact: Jonathan Gough

Email: JGough@thebrandusa.co.uk

Tel: +44 (0) 207 593 1786

Mobile: +44 (0) 7471 036163

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