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Expedia Affiliate Program to kick start the travel industry

Expedia affiliate proramme

An affiliate programme that will help kick start the travel industry had been unveiled by Expedia. The Travel Agent Affiliate Programme (TAAP) will support US-based travel advisors, giving them the opportunity to earn up to 42% more in revenue and win back travellers’ trust.

New sign-ups to TAAP, as well as existing partners who haven’t used the programme for a while, will be fast-tracked to the ‘silver tier’ of the programme. This will unlock package rates for the travellers they serve, which will on average save them 20% when they book accommodation and transport.

TAAP are also looking to increase their ‘traveller safety’ information. This will include information on enhanced cleaning measures, whether hand sanitiser is offered and whether or not contactless check-in and check-out is an option at their booked accommodation. This, combined with an increase in refundable bookings, should increase traveller confidence in booking future trips.

Confidence in travel is one of the main talking points within the industry right now, and it is hoped that other measures (such as temperature checks at airports) will help to encourage people to begin travelling again within the next few months. The recovery of the travel industry may be slow, but measures to boost confidence will be the way to entice travellers.

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