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Free bike repairs offered by Aberdeen charity

Free bike repairs offered by Aberdeen charity

Adventure Aberdeen will begin offering free bike repairs and maintenance work to anyone in the city who cannot afford to pay for services. The charity, a part of Sport Aberdeen, is the first in the city to sign up for the Scotland Cycle Repair Scheme.

The scheme is funded by the Scottish government and aims to encourage cycling within the country by removing the financial barriers that come with owning a bike. It is delivered through Cycling UK, and allows Adventure Aberdeen to offer repairs and maintenance work, up to a value of £50 per person, on all adult and children’s bikes, e-bikes and other forms of cycle.

The repairs and maintenance work will be done from their site in Kingswells.

Graeme Dale, Sport Aberdeen’s head of sport and active communities, said: “Giving everyone in Aberdeen access to cycle maintenance is an extremely positive step towards seeing more people, of all ages and abilities, take part in physical activity and I hope that our new offering, and the scheme, will be widely used.”

You can find details of the scheme, Adventure Aberdeen’s bike workshop price list and what repairs and maintenance work is included on the Sport Aberdeen website.

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