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LifeLine to help travel professionals transfer their skills to other sectors

LifeLine to help travel professionals

ABTA LifeLine announced today that they will be helping travel colleagues affected by COVID-19 to transfer their skills to other sectors. They have partnered with People 1st International on this initiative, and will help people to identify their transferable skills and transition into a new role. Sectors, such as health, social care, retail and logistics, are currently hiring for roles that require a similar skill set as the travel industry. It is hoped that this initiative will help those who have been made redundant to get back on their feet.

Those who join the service will take part in a self-assessment to align them with potential roles and industries that might be relevant to their skillset. They can then build a profile that can be used to promote their expertise to recruiters.

After this stage, they can take part in 1:1 sessions with a member of the People 1st International team who will recommend learning packages that could enhance their skills for specific roles.

The service will cost £50 for those who take part, with the amount being refunded once they are employed once again.

Trudie Clements, ABTA LifeLine’s director, said: “we are delighted to be working with People 1st International, providing travel colleagues a brilliant opportunity to use their highly valued, transferable skills and be matched to a different sector which is actively hiring.

“Whether colleagues are looking for a career change or simply to bridge the gap until travel opens again, this scheme will help our people at a most challenging time.”

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