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Registration is now open for the 8th edition of WTM Latin America

Registration for this event that is a benchmark in the tourism industry is now open for visitors, buyers and the press

Registration for the 2020 edition of WTM Latin America, the main event in the tourism industry for Latin America’s B2B sector, is now open and can be accessed at this link. Registration for the event, which runs from 31 March to 2 April at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo, is free until 30 March. If you wait to register at the door on the day of the visit the entry price is R$ 150.00.

Around 600 exhibitor companies from 50 countries are expected at this edition and there will be a lot of content for visitors to appreciate. New this year are the award-presentation ceremony of the 1st edition of the Responsible Tourism Award, the launch of the Emperia app, which was developed to help exhibitors collect visitor information by scanning the QR-Code on visitors’ badges, and the Student Programme in partnership with the ITT – Institute of Travel & Tourism UK.

Successful activities from the last edition are being maintained, such as the “Agent on the Road” programme, which is carried out in partnership with the Interamerican Network, “Women in Travel”, and with Alessandra Alonso, the founder of “Women in Travel CIC”, a company dedicated to training female entrepreneurs in the travel and tourism industry, and Mariana Aldrigui, a professor and researcher who specializes in tourism and has more than 20 years’ experience; Mariana has been a member of the WTM Latin America advisory board since 2016.

Travel Forward first appeared as a pilot project in 2019 and, having established its position as something new for the event, has been strengthened in this edition. Exhibitors from the tourism and technology segment will take part and it will also feature quality content assembled by Paulo Salvador, an executive who has worked extensively in the tourism industry, especially in the hotel and distribution segment.

Something else that is new this year is a registration questionnaire exclusively aimed at buyers from the WTM Buyers’ Club. This should improve the quality level of buyers attending the event, since it will be possible to identify the profile of these visitors more clearly.

Registration is now open for professionals in the travel and tourism industry; the press (restricted credentials for editors, journalists, photographers, broadcasters and bloggers/influencers); government officials and buyers (only for buyers who meet the programme criteria will be eligible for a WTM Buyers’ Club badge).

For further information:

WTM Latin America
31 March, 1 and 2 April 2020
Expo Center Norte – Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme, São Paulo
Registration for Hosted Buyers:

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