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WTM Latin America: connection to boost business

Speed networking sessions bring together exhibitors and qualified buyers during the event

Bringing the right people together in order to close deals lies at the very core of WTM Latin America, which is the region’s the largest B2B travel and tourism sector event. With less than two months to go before the 2023 edition gets underway, the organisation confirms the speed networking sessions with exhibitors and buyers invited by Buyers programs, as well as influencers and content producers on the digital front.

“The success of the Speed Networking sessions lies in promoting, in a straightforward way, qualified meetings in fast-paced meetings, with the aim of broadening networks and expanding promotion and sales channels in Latin America and worldwide,” explains Thais Del Ben, of WTM Latin America’s Marketing and Communications Manager, stressing that the meetings take place on the second and third days of the event.

The Explore Technology theatre will receive exhibitors and buyers on April 4 and 5, from 10:30 to 12.00. On the April 4, there will be meetings with about 50 Hosted Buyers from different countries, while April 5 is reserved for meetings with members of the WTM Buyers’ Club, a group of Brazilian tourism operators selected by the organisation. The meetings with 30 digital influencers and content creators are scheduled to take place on April 5, from 15.00 to 16.00, at the Explore Trends theatre.

Last year, WTM Latin America brought together roughly 150 exhibitors and 90 buyers for the business rounds. “A week beforehand, the exhibitors receive the catalogue with a profile of the buyers and content creators who will be present, so they already know in advance which products and services interest each one, which makes it easier to prioritise the meetings,” explains Thaís, emphasising that participation is open to all exhibitors and does not require pre-scheduling or reservation.

No meetings with digital influencers were held last year, but they had been taking place at earlier editions of the event prior to the pandemic, and will be back for the 2023 edition.

Networking Events:

DateTimeSessions withLocation
April 04From 10:30 to 12:00Hosted BuyersExplore Technology Theatre
April 05From 10:30 to 12:00Buyer’s ClubExplore Technology Theatre
April 05From 15:00 to 16:00Digital InfluencersExplore Trends Theatre
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