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WTM Latin America is at full steam ahead with its “Leaders’ Meeting”

World Travel Market Latin America 2018, Sao Paulo, Brazil -

The agenda enables the network of entities to be strengthened and expanded and allows for the discussion of joint actions that reinforce the corporate travel market

WTM Latin America, the world’s leading travel industry event for Latin America, includes meetings and enables an alignment with those entities that represent the corporate travel sector. The event’s directors have been strengthening its relationship with entities and associations in the sector, and so it is worth highlighting the positive agenda that was created by the joint actions that were undertaken in 2018.

Following the 6th edition of WTM Latin America, Luciane Leite, the event’s director, has had a busy agenda involving “Leaders’ Meetings.” In the last two months, the executive has met ABRACORP (Brazilian Corporate Travel Association), TMG (Travel Management Group) and ALAGEV (Latin American Association of Event and Corporate Travel Managers) to discuss the performance of the organizations and to move forward with discussions that foster new actions and boost the segment in the market, the aim being to strengthen them and ensure their presence in the 2019 edition.

According to Luciane, a continuous exchange of information with partners is a way of accompanying the needs and projections of stakeholders. “Leader meetings enable us to expand our network with the trade and with potential partners. At the same time we get instant feedback on the direction the industry is going in,” says the executive.

The action format, which was designed to promote networking meetings and indicate the benchmarks and trends in the industry, enables associations to signal and discuss best practice with the market and present a portfolio of services that targets the business community.

The executive director of ABRACORP, Jahy Carvalho, emphasises how important it is that those entities that represent the corporate travel sector should join forces with regard to new business activities and opening up markets. “ABRACORP and WTM agree that the bodies that represent the corporate travel industry should come together. This is an effort in cooperation for discussing and proposing topics that are relevant in the segment. ABRACORP is willing to effectively contribute towards achieving a sustainable and balanced business environment”, comments the executive.

For ALAGEV, the excellent results it achieved in the 2018 edition just go to underline the importance of remaining a strategic partner of the event. “WTM Latin America is a strategic and very important partner for ALAGEV. We played an active part in the 2018 edition. We got excellent results and assessments from our associates. The disclosure of the Statistics and the Global Community meeting took place at the event. Participating in the leaders’ meeting with Luciane Leite means strengthening this relationship, which is so fundamental to our organization,” said Eduardo Murad, executive director of ALAGEV.

TMG Executive Director, Francisco Vieira, reaffirms the benefits of the meetings and how relevant the event is to the sector. “Our partnership has been very productive. The speed networking session was a success and in this last meeting we could really feel how good the results of the event were. We already have a new meeting arranged for July at which we’ll be discussing strategies and the possibilities for the 2019 edition,” comments the executive.

The positive agenda of the Leaders’ Meetings continues. “We still have some partners that we think are strategic for our event and we should be meeting them soon. These meetings are very relevant since they contribute actively to the evolution of best practices and the market,” Luciane concludes.

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