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Ministry of Tourism and 27 Brazilian States will be present at the WTM Latin America

According to MTur, the participation of states in the event is crucial to promote the strengthening of the resumption of activities

São Paulo, August 02nd 2021 – The Ministry of Tourism (Mtur), one of the main Brazilian bodies, will be present at the WTM Latin America Virtual, the main event in the tourism segment aimed at the B2B public in Latin America, which takes place on August 10th, 11th, and 12th. The presence of Mtur allows all Brazilian states to be present at the fair.

Mtur, which already has a history of participation in fairs and institutional events involved with the tourism trade, considers participation in the WTM Latin America essential for the resumption of the sector.

“The Ministry of Tourism hopes to strengthen the partnership with what is one of the most important events in the tourism sector in Brazil, and which marks the resumption of our sector, which was one of the most affected by the pandemic, in addition to giving visibility to all initiatives that have been developed by the ministry for the recovery of tourism, resumption of the flow of travelers, attraction of investors and, consequently, the generation of jobs and income for our population”, says Gilson Machado Neto, Minister of Tourism of Brazil.

Along with the Ministry of Tourism, all Brazilian states will be present at the event, resulting in a wide participation of Brazil in this year’s edition. “Brazilian states have the role of promoting tourism in their localities, especially at this time of recovery in the sector, attracting national and international visitors. Thus, to promote the strengthening of the resumption of activities, the participation of states is crucial in WTM Latin America”, complements Machado.

For Simon Mayle, director of WTM Latin America, having the Ministry of Tourism and all Brazilian states in this year’s edition will contribute even more to the revival of domestic tourism. “We have seen the gradual resumption of travel at a global level, with borders reopening and domestic tourism driven by the flexibility imposed by the pandemic. It is time to accelerate, expand and communicate to the industry the opportunities and products that Brazilian tourism has to offer and this will be done in the best possible way with the support of the Ministry of Tourism at the event. I just have to thank MTur very much for participating.”

In addition to the Ministry of Tourism and the Brazilian states, WTM Latin America also has exhibitors, travel agents, operators, and visitors from around the world. Registration for the event can be made at this link.


WTM Latin America Virtual

August 10th, 11th and 12th (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (BRT) or from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm (GMT)

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