WTM Global Hub

Sebrae will be at WTM Latin America Virtual supporting small entrepreneurs

The institution’s proposal is to encourage business generation and contribute to the resumption of the tourist industry

São Paulo, August 05th 2021 – On August 10th, the WTM Latin America begins, the main tourism event aimed at the B2B market in Latin America. The 9th edition, which takes place in virtual format, will have the participation of Sebrae, which makes room for small businesses to have the opportunity to participate in a global event.

The study “O Impacto da pandemia do coronavírus nos pequenos negócios”, [“The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on small businesses”], carried out by SEBRAE, reveals that 91% of the tourism companies interviewed reported that they did not recover their revenues, compared to pre-pandemic levels. Among respondents, 65% still reported they had a lot of difficulties in keeping their businesses, 8% think the worst is over, 20% think the challenges have brought positive changes and 8% are excited about the new possibilities.

For the Sebrae’s Competitiveness analyst, Analuiza de Andrade Lopes, the resumption of tourism should be expanded with the advance of vaccination. “Immunization is very relevant for Brazilian destinations and, consequently, for small businesses. The revival of activity is an opportunity to do business and being at a fair with a B2B focus allows our partners to access new markets and generate business, in addition to participating in training courses”.

Since it started operating in the tourism sector, Sebrae has been playing an important role in contributing to the development of territories, small businesses and by adding information and innovative actions that enable the advancement of tourism activity throughout the country, positively impacting the entire chain.

Simon Mayle, director of WTM Latin America, emphasizes that the market is a great gear and that for the recovery to happen consistently, it is necessary to look at the whole. “We know that tourism generates millions of jobs and, consequently, income. Therefore, initiatives like this one by SEBRAE of looking at small entrepreneurs in order to support them, encourage them and give them the opportunity to position themselves and create new opportunities is essential for a sustainable activity”, he concludes.

To learn more about the exhibitors and the event’s content grid access the link.


WTM Latin America Virtual:
August 10, 11 and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (BRT) or from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm (GMT)
Accreditation: on this link

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