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WTM Latin America opens registration to virtual event

Market and media professionals can register to the 9th edition, to be held from August 10 to 12. 

São Paulo, June 22, 2021 – Registrations to Virtual WTM Latin America, main tourism field event focused on B2B audience in Latin America, are open and can be performed on this link.

The event, that shall take place this year only in virtual format, is scheduled to August 10, 11 and 12. Free registrations are open to travel agents, buyers and media (credentials limited to editors, journalists, photographers, broadcaster, and bloggers/influencers). Other market professional profiles shall pay R$ 150.

It is worth noting that the exhibitor and visitors shall be aware that they shall fill in the profile for the platform matchmaking system, to match the information and qualify attendant interests and requirements.

The event director, Simon Mayle, highlights WTM Latin America and Reed Exhibitions expertise for a qualified delivery to exhibitors and visitors. ‘Virtual WTM Latin America shall provide all innovation and technology that Reed Exhibitions has developed to service virtual events. The Latin American event, similarly to others from the WTM portfolio, is fully aligned with exhibitor and visitor requirements and expectations’, he says.

For business effectiveness, WTM Latin America shall have virtual meeting scheduling system as an essential piece to generate opportunities. Technology and Artificial Intelligence use to foster interest crossing between and exhibitors shall be essential.

WTM Latin America sales manager, Bianca Pizzolito, talks about the exhibitor responsiveness. ‘We have a very positive return of major brands to the event and in advanced arrangements with market significant destinations and representatives. There is a market genuine motivation and interest to resume presence and contact with the market, enabling an industry recovery trend in the second semester’, she says.

Apart from the relationship platform investment, WTM Latin America shall follow a really rich and diversified free content agenda. ‘We are working on a schedule that enables visitors to refresh knowledge, and mainly, update on trends and new ways of making it happen in a post-pandemic world’, says Thaís Del Ben, WTM Latin America marketing manager.

Programs including Responsible Tourism, Women in Travel and Travel Forward shall be kept in the event official schedule. Similarly, to Agents on the Road program, lead by Interamerican Network, which purpose is working in ‘direct line’ with Travel Agents. It is expected in this edition that the program has up to 700 attendants.

‘We have invested in technology that enables every networking and reconnection process, so that exhibitors and visitors, by the end of the event, have the perception and satisfaction of a positive experience. ATM – Arabian Travel Market and WTM London are events that already use this technology, and attendant response is very positive, as ATM has achieved 4 or 5 stars for 92% of visitors and WTM London, 4.5 stars in meetings generated’, says Mayle.

For more information, access: WTM Latin America Virtual


Virtual WTM Latin America

August 10, 11 and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
From 8 AM to 3 PM (BRT) or from 12 PM to 7 PM (GMT)

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