WTM Global Hub

WTM Latin America promotes the WTM Global Responsible Tourism Awards 2021

Climate Change

The awards aim to discover, recognize and promote examples of good practices

São Paulo, August 05th 2021 – This year, during the edition of the WTM Latin America, the main tourism event aimed at the B2B public in Latin America, the WTM Global Responsible Tourism Awards will be launched. Responsible tourism projects may compete in six categories.

Since their creation, the Responsible Tourism Awards have sought to discover, recognize and promote examples of good practices, which contribute to the development of solutions and their replication. Today the awards have grown into a family, all rigorously applying the same processes and criteria.

“Since we developed the award, we have sought to present different sustainability projects and recognize those that have managed to bring about greater change or are innovative. Now, with the family growing, the recognition of these very important projects will be even greater”, comments Gustavo Pinto, adviser for Responsible Tourism at WTM Latin America.

The World Responsible Tourism Awards will feature regional panels of judges who will define which initiative will receive the “Gold” award in the categories “Decarbonization of the travel and tourism industry”, “Supporting employees and communities during the pandemic”, “Destinations supporting reconstruction more sustainable post-COVID”, “Increasing diversity in tourism: How inclusive is our industry?” and “Reducing plastic waste in the environment”.

The winner of each category in the Latin America, Africa, India and rest of the world regions will automatically be entered into the global awards, with a judging panel chaired by Harold Goodwin, WTM’s responsible tourism advisor.

Regional winners in the Gold and Silver categories and the new Global award winner will be announced at WTM Virtual, which takes place on November 8th and 9th. Applications for the Responsible Tourism awards can be made until August 31st at this link.

Panels at WTM Latin America

During the WTM Latin America, which takes place virtually on the 10th, 11th and 12th of August, there will be panels about the award. One of them receives Marianne Costa, founder and CEO of Vivejar, which was the winner of the WTM World Responsible Tourism Awards in 2020. The presentation will take place on the 12th, at 2:15 pm. Then, at 2:30 pm, the conversation is with Maurício Miramontes, coordinator of alliances for La Mano del Mono, a project in Mexico, and discusses the importance of awards that recognize efforts for a positive impact from tourism.

“It’s great to be in contact with groups that take responsible tourism seriously and develop actions to promote sustainable development and make villages, cities and states better for tourists and their residents. With the WTM Global Responsible Tourism Awards, we want to show the world what these projects are and give them the value they deserve”, says Gustavo.

Another panel that takes place during the WTM Latin America is “Giving a new impulse to tourism in Latin America”, which has a partnership with the Global Ecotourism Network/GEN. During the chat, Marianela Camacho, communications manager of the Global Ecotourism Network – GEN, Jorge Moller Rivas, director of the NGO Regenera, Glenn Jampol, president of the Global Ecotourism Network, Ariane Janér, director of the board of directors of the Global Ecotourism Network, and Luiz Paulo Ferraz, executive director of Associação Mico Leão Dourado, discuss the effects of the pandemic, climate change and what are the opportunities to give new impetus to tourism. The content will be available on August 11th, at 2 pm.

More information and the full event schedule can be accessed at this link.


WTM Latin America Virtual

August 10, 11 and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)
From 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (BRT) or from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm (GMT)

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