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Catapulting Resilience through Technology and Analytics

Catapulting Resilience through Technology and Analytics


Lee Hayhurst
Head of News
Travel Weekly

Lee has been reporting on the travel industry for the last 14 years, most recently as editor of Travolution, the technology and digital travel publication brand and sister title to the UK’s leading trade magazine Travel Weekly. A former local newspaper journalist, Lee has covered various travel sectors including cruise, travel agents and tour operators and now regularly moderates both Travolution and partner events and conferences.

Carlos Cendra
Chief Marketing Officer
Mabrian Technologies

Carlos is a tireless entrepreneur.  His focus is on diverse sectors such international marketing and commerce, franchises and hospitality.  After owning his own business, he partnered with Mabrian.  The goal – to globalize the use of Big Data analytics in the Tourism sector and lead fact-based decision making.  

Robin Ingle
Travel Navigator & Novus Health

Robin Ingle is the CEO of technology companies Travel Navigator and Novus Health, as well as the global insurance group MSH International – Americas. Robin has over 40 years of experience in providing specialized travel health solutions for adventurers, international students, snowbirds, special risk and worldwide travellers. He is renowned for his hands-on approach and experience in product design, marketing, underwriting, administration, claims/emergency assistance, licensing, and re-insurance. 

An industry leader, Robin is frequently called upon to share his expertise around the world. He has helped advance the insurance industry with resources for organizations and consumers alike.

Tony Smyth
Senior Vice-President
iFree Group

Tony Smyth hails from County Cork in Ireland and has lived in Hong Kong for 30 years. He is an active member and sponsor of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), is on the executive board of Skal International Hong Kong Chapter and participates at the UN ESCAP Sustainability and Banking & Finance Taskforce committees. Tony is Senior Vice President with iFREE GROUP in charge of corporate development, communications, CSR and establishing worldwide partnerships for this global TRAVELUTION company that is set to be a major disruptor in the global telecommunications, Instant Messaging, online hotels, flights and cruise booking platforms, IoT, e-commerce and roaming connectivity arenas. 

Akemi Tsunagawa
Founder & CEO

Akemi Tsunagawa is the founder & CEO of Bespoke, one of the fastest growing chatbot startups in the travel industry. Prior to Bespoke, Akemi worked at Fidelity Investments, Deloitte, and Macquarie Capital after graduating from UCLA.  Bespoke was founded in 2015 to offer authentic travel experiences beyond guidebooks. Its AI concierge, Bebot, is the most used multilingual chatbot in the hospitality space to enhance guest experiences. Bebot is currently servicing wide range of clients from International Airports to global hotel brands.

“I founded “Bespoke” in 2015 to make the product that I’ve always wanted for myself. As a traveller, I’ve always enjoyed discovering little known places rather than major attractions featured in guidebooks. Today, Bebot is a platform that empowers travelers to enjoy the same sort of experiences as if they had people showing them around. That is how I started the company about 3 years ago, which has been the best decision I’ve made in my life so far.”

Gavin Harris
Commercial Director Skyscanner

Gavin is a Commercial Director at Skyscanner within its Airline partnerships division.  Now based in the UK, he is currently developing strategic partnerships with Airlines, who use Skyscanner’s global marketplace to extend their reach and drive direct traveller acquisition.  He is responsible for scaling their Direct Booking product which leverages Skyscanner’s NDC certification. 

He’s spent the majority of his 7 years with Skyscanner based in Singapore, building their APAC commercial team and driving the region’s commercial and growth marketing strategies.

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