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Guest Blog by Nick Pilbeam, Divisional Director, Reed Exhibitions

I recently spent the day heading up the judging panel for the brand new International Travel & Tourism Awards that are taking place during WTM London.

It was a fantastic day, albeit long and intense, reviewing all the entries and I have to say that I was blown away and inspired by what the industry is doing. It was great to see just how much time and effort had been taken in completing the entries, with so many exciting strong campaigns and innovative ideas amongst them.

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Along with an expert panel of judges, all with specialist knowledge in related fields, we carefully assessed the campaigns and concluded on our preferred shortlist for each category.

Those who have been shortlisted have reached a very high standard and now carry the travel and tourism stamp of approval.

I believe the finalists really do represent what these Awards are all about and represent the real reason why these Awards were set-up in the first place.

I am very much looking forward to the Awards evening on November 6, at Tobacco Dock, London. It will be a great night for the industry to get together, during the most important week in the tourism calendar, to celebrate the very best the industry has to offer.

For more information on attending the evening, please click here.

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