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Key findings from: Brexit, How Will It Change UK Travel – Inbound and Outbound?

World Travel Market, WTM Inspire Theatre, Monday 7th November 2016

Missed this session session? Not to worry, Panel member and Head of Travel at Euromonitor, Caroline Bremner takes us through the key findings from the World Travel Leaders: Brexit, How Will It Change UK Travel – Inbound and Outbound? session:

What was covered?

The impact of Brexit on the travel and tourism industry and what the short, medium and long terms impacts could be on tourism demand.

Why is this a hot topic?

What were the key points?

What are your tips for anyone out there addressing this issue?

How do you see this topic developing over the next 12 to 18 months?

Like what you’ve heard so far?

You can hear overviews of the session from additional panel members here:

View the full Brexit, How Will It Change UK Travel – Inbound and Outbound?

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