Digital Influencers Speed Networking is open for registration

Digital Influencers Speed Networking is open for registration

Influencers can apply for the program until March 11

Digital Influencers Speed ​​Networking enters its 3rd edition. A success among influencers and WTM Latin America’s participants, the program is an opportunity to generate relationships and good partnerships. Registration to take part in this action, which will be held in the Networking Area on April 1st, 2020, from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., is already open and there are a limited number of places.

In all, 30 influencers will be taking part in the action. 10 of them being invited by ABBV (the Brazilian Association of Travel Bloggers), which is WTM Latin America’s partner in this project and 20 being selected by WTM Latin America’s Marketing and PR teams in São Paulo and London.

WTM Latin America’s marketing manager, Thais Del Ben, explains that Speed ​​Networking aimed at digital influencers is a dynamic way to promote short meetings lasting just five minutes in order to initiate a potential contact. “With each edition, we see a growing interest on the part of influencers to be involved in this action, as well as of the participants, who increasingly value these professionals role of in the sector”, she adds.

“This is another business opportunity that we offer our customers and another way to obtain an excellent return on investment when taking part in the event”, states WTM Latin America’s marketing manager, Thais Del Ben.

Digital influencers’ involvement in WTM Latin America’s corridors has become more significant and, since 2018, the event’s organizers have created an exclusive lounge for these professionals.

In order to apply to take part in the Digital Influencers Speed Networking sessions it is necessary to register via the link. Once approved, the influencer should communicate his or her interest in taking part in the Speed ​​Networking sessions using the e-mail

Participation will be limited to those professionals whose main activities are focused on and who have channels in digital media, including among them Blogs, Vlogs, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, along with other platforms. The selection criteria include interaction, scope, editorial quality, frequency of updates and specialization in the areas of adventure, behaviour, family, responsible tourism, +50, luxury, gastronomy, fashion, individual tourism, economic tourism and LGBT – all the sectors should be linked to tourism.

Registration will be accepted up until March 11th and the list of those who have been confirmed will be presented on the 23rd of the same month.

WTM Latin America
March 31, April 1 and April 2, 2020
Expo Center Norte Exhibition Centre – Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333 – Vila Guilherme, São Paulo

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