WTM Latin America 2022 presents WTM Travel Tech, with its own theatre for discussing technology and innovation in business

WTM Latin America 2022 presents WTM Travel Tech, with its own theatre for discussing technology and innovation in business

With technology one of the pillars of this edition, sessions will deal with the legacy of the pandemic for the industry, opportunities for synergy with digital influencers and strategies for attracting new talent

What impacts does the metaverse have on the tourism industry? What can executives learn from leaders in the retail trade for improving the travel purchasing experience? How can we attract qualified employees and improve the purchase journey?

These are just some of the questions that will be answered by the renowned experts who are taking part in WTM Travel Tech, a technology meeting that is being held during WTM Latin America 2022, which takes place 5 -7 April in the white and blue pavilions of Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo.

Technology, one of the pillars of this edition alongside Responsible Tourism and Diversity & Inclusion, will have its own dedicated space comprising an exhibition area with cutting-edge technology providers and a conference programme featuring tourism specialists and guest executives from other industries who have innovation as their flagship.

Gabriela Otto, an executive with more than 20 years’ experience in tourism, the CEO of GO Consultoria and president of HSMAI Brasil, is the curator of WTM Latin America for the executive sessions of WTM Travel Tech. The executive explains that she took into account the insights and concerns of leaders and decision-makers when putting together the programme for the four-day event.

The result is a mixture of presentations in different formats – debates, panel discussions and case studies – with rich content to inspire new business development and technology-based solutions. “The idea is to debate the challenges from 2022 onwards, in order to guide participants with regard to the next steps and offer new solutions for boosting the tourism business”, stresses Gabriela.

One of the highlights of this year’s programme is the participation of Caroline Dalmolin, Strategic Partnerships leader at Meta/Facebook for Latin America. With practical tips, the executive will address the impact of the metaverse on tourism, and point out the prospects and opportunities the tool offers the business.

Riva Oliveira, senior acquisitions manager at Mercado Pago, takes the stage to discuss another topic of great interest: the purchasing experience. The panel will highlight the solutions available for aligning the travel purchase experience with that of other segments. “The idea is to deal with the whole journey, from wishing to travel to acquiring the product, based on the ways used by industries that are always updating. Consumers are used to instant payments and tourism is still lagging behind in this regard when compared to the retail trade”, explains Gabriela.

Juliana Burza, Innovation Manager at Omni Lab, and an innovation teacher at Cesar School, will deal with digital transformation. She will highlight the points requiring attention, investments and the opportunities for the market offered by the digital environment, with tips on generating conversion at all stages. Thiago Mazeto, CEO of Tray and an e-commerce teacher, will discuss prospecting for customers in the digital world and suggest some possible tactics and the lessons learned from other industries.


5 April
14:00-14:40 Thiago MAzeto, CETO Tray (e-commerce, Locaweb) and an e-commerce teacher How to improve performance and prospect for clients in the digital world
15:00-15:40 Daniel Cattani, Sales Director, and Director, National Franchisee Master, at CVC Viagens What is the real legacy of the pandemic for the travel industry? What we will take from it into the future and what we will definitely leave in the last
16:00-16:40 Caroline Dalmolin, Growth Platform Partnership Lead at META / Facebook


The metaverse and its impact on tourism
17:00-17:40 Renata Araújo, journalist and chief editor, You Must Go Blog


Digital as a strategy and differential for your agency



6 April
15:00-15:40 Juliana Burza – Innovation Manager, OMNI Lab, member of the Innovation Committee (I2AI), and an innovation teacher at Cesar School The digital transformation journey


16:00-16:40 Panellists:

Gregoriano Polaino – former Executive Director, Flytour, former VP, AJMobi

Claiton Armelin – Head of Travel in the Passenger Division of the Águia Branca Group



Cassio Salles Oliveira – Director, Sakura Consolidadora, former Senior VP, Ancoradouro and VP of Rextur

Qualified people: the challenge of the century
17:00-17:40 Panellists:

Jose Gracco Ferreira da Silva – Director of Graccoviagens

Gaia Vani – President of the ABBV – Brazilian Association of Travel Blogs and founder of the Mala de Aventuras blog

Digital influence in tourism


7 April
14:00-14:40 Riva Oliveira, Senior Acquisitions Manager with Mercado Pago What tourism can (and should) learn from the digital world
15:00-15:40 Cynthia Michels, economist and an influencer from Inovação Consciente, founder and leader of the Vale do Silício Group Innovation and creativity in the digital age
16:00-16:40 Leonardo Tristão, Country Manager, Airbnb The new traveller and their expectations

Registration for WTM Latin America 2022 is already open, and entry will be by prior registration only and presentation of proof of full vaccination. All health protocols have been adopted and are available on the site.

About World Travel Market

The World Travel Market (WTM) portfolio comprises the main travel events, online portals and virtual platforms of four continents, and generates more than US$ 7.5 billion in business for the industry.

About WTM Latin America

WTM Latin America takes place annually in São Paulo and attracts around 19,000 tourism professionals during the three-day event. The fair offers qualified content, as well as networking and business opportunities. In its ninth edition – the first fully virtual event was held in 2021 – WTM Latin America has continued to focus on effective business generation and has reached the mark of 4,200 meetings held between buyers, travel agents and exhibitors.

For further information – WTM Latin America


Marcia Leite (11) 9-4334 3017

Fran Xavier (41) 9-9188 9576

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