WTM Latin America Virtual Selects Hosted Buyers for 2021 Edition

WTM Latin America Virtual Selects Hosted Buyers for 2021 Edition

Program will bring at least 100 international buyers

São Paulo, June 25, 2021 – The virtual edition of WTM Latin America, which takes place on August 10, 11 and 12, has open enrollment for the Hosted Buyers program. In all, 100 professionals from around the world will be selected to generate new business and a lot of networking in the three days of the event. Entries can be made on this link.

The program has limited places and buyers of 30 nationalities are expected, 60% of them from Latin America and 40% from other countries. Applicants undergo a careful analysis to be admitted, to adjust the expectations and demands of buyers and exhibitors.

As with the physical event, hosted buyers must meet a minimum amount of 30 meetings with exhibitors and participate in at least 3 destination trainings.

The marketing manager of WTM Latin America, Thaís Del Ben, points out the selection of professionals, which considers their interests, purchasing decision power and market authority for business and investments. The Hosted Buyers program is one of WTM Latin America’s differentials and is consolidated in the market as a tool to generate effective business.

“We know that we will not be able to host buyers physically, but they will be exclusively assisted by the WTM Latin America team, to be able to hold qualified meetings with our exhibitors. In addition, virtual hosted buyers will have preference to participate in the physical event program in 2022”.

Countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, United States, Canada, Australia, China, India, Japan, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Nigeria and South Africa are the main markets participating in the program.

Qualified buyers have access to exclusive networking opportunities and free access to the platform. The purpose of the program is to establish connections and generate business and commercial agreements with exhibitors at the event. Buyers who do not register as a Hosted Buyer in this edition can register as a member of the WTM Buyers’ Club.

For more information access: WTM Latin America Virtual


WTM Latin America Virtual

August 10, 11 and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

From 8:00 am to 3:00 pm (BRT) or from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm (GMT)

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