Disintermediation & Destination Management session review

Disintermediation & Destination Management session review

World Travel Market, Travel Tech Theatre, Monday 7th November 2016

Panel member and CEO of Barcelona Tourism Board, Jordi William Carnes discusses why he attended WTM London and the key talking points from the Disintermediation & Destination Management session:


What was covered?

The new challenges that technological platforms such as Airbnb present to tourism destinations and how to deal with them.

Why is this a hot topic?

  • New technological platforms have remained and are changing business models in some destinations.
  • There is now a new reality in destinations that presents a number of challenges.
  • Challenges such as security for consumers, security for suppliers, transparency about availability and the financial issues such as taxation.
  • There needs to be agreement on how we manage all of these new challenges.

What were the key points?

  • Everyone agrees there are challenges that need addressing.
  • We need a set of terms that are acceptable for everyone, the new operators, the classical operators and the citizens of the destinations.
  • There will need to be slight variation in terms to allow for different legal frameworks across different destinations.
  • Neglecting the challenges is not the best way forward.

What are your tips for anyone out there addressing this issue?

  • We have to talk and accept that new platforms present a challenge but is also an opportunity, the sooner we realise this the better we will solve the challenges.

How do you see this topic developing over the next 12 to 18 months?

  • There are global factors outside of our control such as security, Brexit and the US election.
  • We have to be open to these new ever changing realities as 24 or 28 (supposed to be 12-18?) months is an eternity these days.

Like what you’ve heard so far?

Catch up on the full Disintermediation & Destination Management session.

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